Scorpio Weekly Money Horoscope

Week beginning Monday 10th February

While the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment will return for her first visit to your income sector in four years next week and that is good news for the income side of the financial fence, for now the money gods are more focused on the other side of the financial fence. Even when Juno returns to your income sector next week, because a retrograde turn will see her retrograde back out in April before she has a chance to clash with Jupiter in your financial sector, this will be no threat to the other side of the financial fence. This will give you the best of both worlds while giving Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion some breathing space as he settles into his first full week back in direct motion in your financial sector and back into his quest for financial growth and expansion. Meanwhile, it is a Full Moon in your career sector in the heart of Venus' first full week in your work sector which is a chance to set things in motion professionally ahead of Juno's return to your income sector next week.

Daily  –  Monthly

More about your Scorpio weekly money horoscope and finances

You value security, and you need to feel that your finances are in good order. Thus, you leave nothing to chance. You pay attention so you can neutralize any risk that arises.

You do have confidence in your own ability to endure whatever you must, for you’re a survivor, and you fight back against any negativity in your life. Your Scorpio weekly money horoscope gives you a bit of advance knowledge. If money is coming, you’re happy to look forward to that lucky break.

Your Scorpio weekly money horoscope prepares you fiscally

Sometimes you can hear good news which surprises you. Then you laugh and forget it, but when that lucky break actually arrives, you’re gratified, and you learn to look for the same sort of upturns in the future. You examine the patterns in your life, and you study financial patterns carefully.

If you work independently, it’s worthwhile knowing about a slow period, because then you try to gain new income. You attempt to solve financial problems before they trouble you. Even if you earn a steady salary, unforeseen expenses arise, and you must still pay your bills. You like having advance knowledge of the unexpected.

Interact with loved ones confidently thanks to your Scorpio weekly money horoscope

People depend on you, and you like it that way. When friends and family members need money, you give generously, for what’s yours is theirs. Few people feel as you do that someone you love is a part of yourself. That’s why so many consider you their rock.

You’re glad to sacrifice for a loved one. When your horoscope predicts difficulties, you tighten your own belt and approach your finances creatively. When things are flush, you’re more generous. You love buying little gifts to show your affection, even when there’s no event to celebrate.