Week beginning Monday 2nd December
More about your Sagittarius weekly money horoscope and finances
It’s worthwhile to keep an eye on your finances, for you rarely think about money unless forced to. You enjoy buying what you want, and you don’t worry about tomorrow. This can be a bit scary when tomorrow comes and you can’t pay your expenses.
You’re not a shopper or even someone who lives the high life, for you like things simple. You don’t care about fashion, for you’d rather be comfortable, and a cast off or thrift store garment can become a treasure to you. Your Sagittarius weekly money horoscope keeps you on track. If you feel like splurging and shouldn’t, you trust your horoscope.
Learn about financial ups and downs in your Sagittarius weekly money horoscope
Some weeks are more expensive than others, for most people pay their bills for one month as the previous one ends. Some weeks there are few bills, but that doesn’t mean you can squander your resources or stop working, as often you’re tempted to do.
If there is money in your pocket, you think wow, I’m flush, why not take a trip. If you don’t work a steady job, this can be a real temptation. Only if you’re wealthy is it a good idea, for soon enough all those bills will pile up. Most people must use income from more than a single week to pay a month’s expenses. If you do too, plan ahead.
Your Sagittarius weekly money horoscope helps you manage your money
As you consider your bills, you must do something that doesn’t feel natural to you—take the long approach. If you have seasonal bills that come only annually, set some money aside regularly so you’re not overwhelmed.
By focusing on your finances regularly, you can create a game plan that allows you to budget for leisure. You have control of your finances, and that allows you to attract more money. You may not care about being wealthy, but money can buy fun, and that you approve of enthusiastically.