Libra Weekly Money Horoscope

Week beginning Monday 10th February

While as the Moon moved through your financial sector last week there may have been some financial tension, on both sides of the financial fence it wouldn't have taken long to turn this into motivation. This was the Moon's first visit since Uranus turned direct here the week before, leaving you with your financial instincts and imagination fuelled and a sense that on this side of the financial fence, the side where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have, the tide had turned and the brakes have come off. However, with Uranus still at a near standstill and the most important months of the year for money matters not kicking off until April, time is on your side. Any financial tension last week was caused by the Moon's clash with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment who is now in her last full week in your income sector. As Juno went on to spend the weekend at a friendly aspect to forces on the job front and starting the week at a friendly aspect to the Moon on the career front, this is already turning into motivation on the income side of the financial fence.

Daily  –  Monthly

More about your Libra weekly money horoscope and finances

A Libra on a budget? It’s like the plot from some horror movie, isn’t it? You need money to maintain your elegant lifestyle, for those lovely venues you frequent don’t come cheap, and you require an elegant wardrobe to make a good impression.

In the old days, you would have stuck to a venerated method of fiscal ease—you would have inherited some wealth. Not everyone has access to a fancy estate with matching bank account, so you probably must give your finances the respect they’re due. Your Libra weekly money horoscope helps you determine if cash is flowing in—or out.

Consult your Libra weekly money horoscope for fiscal tips

You sometimes pay with a credit card. There are fantastic deals now to provide cash back and long periods with no interest. This is a fine plan if you’re good with money. But it’s easy to become embroiled in debt, and that frustrates you. Once again, you must seek balance, and you must find the best way to manage your money.

If your horoscope predicts a down period, avoid the plastic, and cut your spending. There are alternatives to splurging, if you’re creative. Pack a picnic instead of dining at a pricey restaurant. Check out thrift stores in the nicer parts of town—you never know what quality items you can find for a fraction of what you usually spend.

Respect your cash flow when your Libra weekly money horoscope indicates.

During a particularly strong money week, be willing to work a bit harder, and use this energy to your advantage. Grow your business if you have one, or enhance your career. You need not spend extra cash. Save it.

You do understand the principle of delayed gratification, but it’s not a fun idea. You prefer to live in the moment, thus you grab every particle of pleasure that comes your way. The one saving grace is that if you’re busy earning an income, you have less time to frolic and squander your assets.