Libra Monthly Money Horoscope

September 2024

As you move into the new month, for less than 48 hours it is business as usual and as the month progresses, there will be an even greater shift. Business as usual means that since Jupiter left your financial sector in May and Mars at the end of July Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected has been on his own and quietly keeping money matters on track. Since returning in 2019 Uranus has spent the majority of each year on his own, with the 12 months that Jupiter had spent here and then Mars returning two weeks later to spend six weeks firing up your financial passions and fighting spirit the exception. Uranus will turn retrograde on 2nd September, something that at this time each year will begin a review phase that will continue until he turns direct in the New Year. At the same time, business as usual means that there is no planetary activity in your income sector and hasn't been since late last year. However, just as Uranus' retrograde turn is going to see money matters step back and move into review mode, this makes way for the income side of the financial fence to have its turn and this is where you are in for a surprise. While the Sun doesn't return to your income sector until the latter part of October, Venus will make an early and timely return on 23rd September, the same day that you move into your birthday month and new solar year. Last year Venus, the planet of money didn't return until December, but her early return is going to finally bring some action on the income side of the financial fence. However, it is the timing that makes this even more of a game changer. Venus will return to begin what can be the most lucrative weeks of any year five days after a Full Moon in your work sector and just as Mars is settling into his longest visit to your career sector in two decades. Long before Venus returns, the Moon's return to your income sector from 7th September to 9th September will sharpen your nose for money and just days after Mars' return to your career sector on 5th September, with a chance to steer things in a lucrative direction from the start.

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More about your Libra monthly money horoscope and finances

Money doesn’t interest you all that much. It’s simply a tool by which your life chugs along, but in itself, it’s valueless. You know that being rich is more convenient than being poor, but money doesn’t make anyone a better person.

If like some Libras, you disdain money, it can be rather difficult to attract it. This leads to financial problems. You prefer to mingle and share good times with sparkling companions. Your Libra monthly money horoscope helps you focus on money, which is essential if you are to afford those elegant good times.

Your Libra monthly money horoscope brings fiscal insights

The key to your career situation is finding a job that allows you to express your abilities while interacting with other people. Then you receive an income for doing something you love. Because you value the way you spend your time, you also value the money you receive in compensation.

Thanks to tips from your horoscope, you learn better ways to manage your finances. You must pay your bills, and if you’re tempted to splurge instead on the good life (and the clothes you need to enjoy it), life becomes complicated. If you read that money looks difficult now, opt to slow spending and review your necessary expenses.

Chart fiscal ups and downs with your Libra monthly money horoscope

You’re a big fan of investing. If your money can earn more without your participation, it frees you up for fun. That includes luck. A positive financial period could inspire you to buy that lottery ticket. You’re the sort of person who persuades all your friends to chip in when the lottery reaches astronomical numbers. Maybe you’ll win.

You also learn that saving money is a good thing, for even if no emergency arrives, it’s nice to have reserves. When a formal event comes along, you’re ready to buy something elegant, without worrying about your funds.