Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscope

Week beginning Friday 7th February

Love's a masterclass this week, and you're the star pupil. The Full Moon lights up partnerships, turning every date, text and glance into a PhD in Human Connection. Venus and Pluto also whisper, “Trust is sexy,” so let your guard down enough to let someone in. Whether you're single, attached or somewhere in between, relationships are your crash course in vulnerability.

Dive in, take notes and rewrite the rules of romance.

Daily  –  Monthly

More about your Aquarius weekly love horoscope and romance

Love complicates life, for sure, and your romantic history amuses you. When you were very young, you felt quite hopeless at romance, and thus you stayed within your school clique instead of dating.

Sometimes you feel the same way, like that flustered teen with no clue how to get a date. Eventually you accentuate the positive, and then you have no end of choices for romance. People like your wit and sparkle, and that can turn into successful flirting. You love to talk, and good conversation satisfies you. If you enjoy a conversation, you can build on that. A good chat sometimes leads to a dinner invitation, and before you know it, you’re in love.

Your Aquarius weekly love horoscope indicates romantic ups and downs

You prefer an on-going relationship to remain on an even keel, and to interact positively with a sweetheart. Life doesn’t work that way. People quarrel, and they need excitement, so you must be willing to spice things up. Use tips from your Aquarius weekly love horoscope to make your romance more exciting.

Because your mate is also your best friend, you share endless conversation. You love pillow talk, and nightly you lie beside your sweetheart and share your thoughts. You love a rousing discussion about the state of the world, and although most people wouldn’t find that romantic, you do.

Your Aquarius weekly love horoscope reveals romantic energy

When you’re in the meet market, you need all the help you can get. Harness the power of universal forces, and feel more confident that your efforts to find true love will be rewarded. You’d rather woo someone when Cupid is ready to shoot that arrow.

During a romantic week, get out there in the world, with or without a wingman. Open up to new experiences, for you excel at that. You smile and connect with new people. You could find a true love, or add to your collection of friends. Either way, it’s a win.