Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Week beginning Friday 7th February

The Full Moon's got relationship drama on high this week. New connections? They're moving fast—like “Netflix password sharing” fast. In a dead-end situationship? The Full Moon is your green light to ghost with flair. But don't be afraid to tell your squad or pals you need “me time.” Seek some solitude, lock the door and let them grumble—it's their problem, not yours. You're no good to anyone until you've recharged your rebel batteries. Selfish? Maybe. Necessary? Yes!

Daily  –  Monthly

More about your Aquarius weekly horoscope and personality

You enjoy some form of social activity every day. Even if you’re incredibly busy, there is always time for a phone call or video chat with your best friend. Without a connection with someone you love, the day would be bleak indeed.

You have many interests, and you share them happily with special companions. Your Aquarius weekly horoscope reveals new ways to have fun. You’re always willing to attend a different type of event or to meet new people.

Arrange your calendar with help from your Aquarius weekly horoscope

If you’re in a busy period, find ways to streamline obligations. You do your best at work, for you have certain standards, but if there are killer deadlines, you want to be efficient. That means finding new approaches to complicated tasks.

With fewer complications, you find more time for fun. If there’s something you can’t do alone, you make it into a party by inviting friends to pitch in. Everything goes faster with good company, and your friends make jokes and keep things lively.

Connect effectively with people based on your Aquarius weekly horoscope

We all have stress, and you find it annoying to deal with something that doesn’t appeal. Well, who doesn’t! If you must confront a difficult individual, despite your people skills, you might be tempted to call this person stupid.

But if you know conflicts are likely, you can think ahead, and behave as though it’s a chess game. Outwitting other people is an amusing challenge. You don’t want to turn a dummy into a friend, but sometimes you can see good qualities in someone you initially dislike, and then you’re willing to reconsider. That feels positive, for you’d rather get along with people than quarrel.