Cancer Weekly Career Horoscope

Week beginning Monday 13th January

There have been some big changes across the income, work and career fronts since you moved into this new professional year and as you move into the new week, all of them in just the previous seven days. It began last Monday when Mars retrograded back out of your income sector, something that will see him return for a do over in April. It was two days later that over two months after returning for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit to your work sector Mercury left, ending all planetary activity on the job front until later in the year. This was followed by the North Node's departure from your career sector over the weekend. This brought the 18 months it had spent providing a sense of professional direction to an end, but here this has left planets that will keep the momentum going. However, as the dwarf planet Eris only turned direct here on Saturday and it is not until next month that the pace will start to pick up, this gives you a chance to finally take your foot off the gas.

Daily  –  Monthly

More about your Cancer weekly career horoscope and prospects

The first thing you do as a week is beginning is to check your calendar and to-do list. This is how you chart your opportunities to excel. You’re always looking for ways to amplify your success and to sidestep any potential problems.

Will it be an easy week with congenial interactions, or will you have to do battle? You count on your Cancer weekly career horoscope to help answer those questions. You don’t mind working a little harder, but you do prefer when you need not engage in power struggles—at work or in your private life.

Your Cancer weekly career horoscope describes interpersonal dynamics

Some people are difficult, and you yourself can sometimes be cranky. You know this, but you wish it were not so. The truth is that everyone has something going on deep inside, and personal problems can lead to unkind conduct. You work to overcome this negativity by understanding what’s at the source.

Even when challenged, you want to make a good impression. You work to institute peace and harmony, and if that helps someone who’s too stressed to behave properly, so much the better. It can only be good for your upwards career trajectory.

You rely on your Cancer weekly career horoscope to predict growth periods

When you see that you’re in a lucky or simply positive period, you go into overdrive. A really good week can create the momentum for a year’s worth of increased success. You know how important it is to exploit the positive.

It never hurts to make a list of everything you want to accomplish in a given time period, even one as small as “after lunch.” You may not achieve all you desire, but you know that eventually you will accomplish your goals.