Aquarius Weekly Career Horoscope

Week beginning Monday 10th February

Moving into the new working week with the Moon in your work sector will always be an advantage, but this will do more than just ensure your instincts are sharp and you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware from the start. The Moon is not only here when on Monday Mars moves into his final two weeks in retrograde motion in your work sector, but just as his friendly aspect to Saturn in your income sector peaks. The Moon is also here as a week long alignment between the North Node and Neptune in your income sector is starting to separate, as is their friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment that peaked in your career sector over the weekend. Before leaving on Tuesday the Moon will connect with every planet across the income, work and career fronts, just as they have already come together. While this will get the new working week off to a powerful start, there are months of this still to come.

Daily  –  Monthly

More about your Aquarius weekly career horoscope and prospects

You are happiest when working at a job that feels meaningful to you. If you can earn a living doing something you’d do for free or as a hobby, life is sweet. You want to feel you’re making a contribution to the world on a daily basis.

Even if you’re in a well-paying career, if it’s meaningless to you, you’ll find a way to quit. Your Aquarius weekly career horoscope shares information about how well you’re doing. Perhaps you’re making more of a contribution than you realize, and that’s good to know.

Seek new opportunities via your Aquarius weekly career horoscope

You do like staying on top of things, and that means understanding the climate in your career. Even if you’re not in the job market, it’s worthwhile to know what’s out there. During positive swells of energy, you could stumble on a new job without even looking.

When you are searching for employment, you take a methodical approach. The vision of your dream job is firmly in your mind, so you evaluate available opportunities to see which most closely matches. Your goal is to make enough money while being happy.

Connect with new friends thanks to your Aquarius weekly career horoscope

You excel at networking, perhaps because you don’t stress about it. To you a professional event is a chance to meet new friends. It’s fun to discuss advances in your field, or to impress a potential boss with your skill set.

Sometimes you simply connect positively with a colleague, and that could lead to a friendship that lasts all your life. As your career grows and changes, you could end up in an entirely different field, but you cherish the contacts you make along the way. You collect friends the way other people pick flowers.