Week beginning Monday 10th February
More about your Capricorn weekly money horoscope and finances
You think about your finances multiple times a day, and you may consult your bank balances online very often as well. You check credit card balances, and more importantly your credit score, multiple times in a month. Your finances are important.
You work extremely hard, and you need to feel in control of your financial situation. Your Capricorn weekly money horoscope gives you insights into how you’re doing. You appreciate warnings about bad financial choices, for then you can avoid making them.
Your Capricorn weekly money horoscope predicts ups and downs
If it’s a slow financial week, you work harder, particularly if you’re a freelancer. You know that yesterday’s ups can easily turn into tomorrow’s downs, and you must remain safe financially. That means never taking a break. If you have no work, you do what’s necessary to attract more.
If you’re in a steady job, you still want to know about cash flow. There are always raises and bonuses to earn, and possibly expense accounts to manage. You always want to do your best with money—whether it’s your own or the firm’s.
You make long-term plans with your Capricorn weekly money horoscope
Each day is a piece of the whole, and if there is an upturn, you want to expand on it. One good success can lead to more, and that means better cash flow. Your goal is always to exceed the achievements of today so that tomorrow is even batter.
You like the idea of having extra, so that’s why you save. Even on a slow period, you find ways to stash money in the bank. Generally you’re not an obsessed shopper, for you need only so much, but you do enjoy fantasies about what you might buy. You can spend money only once in real life, but in your imagination, you can spend the same amount over and over.