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More about your Capricorn daily money horoscope and finances
As with every aspect of your life, maintaining positive Capricorn finances is a goal you’d never ignore. You like getting things right. You need to have a sense of forward—and upward—motion. That’s the whole idea behind the process of setting goals—to improve.
There’s no question that you like money, but for you it’s not about showing off your wealth. It’s about the life you can buy when you have affirmative Capricorn finances.
You like buying the starter house and then a better house. You want the cashmere sweaters. For the most part, designer labels don’t excite you, although quality is important.
You just need to feel that you’re on an upward trajectory with your life, and that also means money. You can’t imagine the horror of having less money when you’re old than when young.
A Capricorn daily money horoscope shows how you like to work
Although you love working, you’d never want to be forced to work when old—not if you don’t want to. Thus, you must have money, so you get your Capricorn finances in order.
You’re naturally adept at budgeting and you have an excellent head for business. You focus that talent on increasing your status in your career as well as your yearly income. As one wily Capricorn says, “You pay yourself first.” To them, the first expenditure from every check is a deposit into savings. After that they pay the bills. Only then do they allow for fun. That’s the key to upwardly mobile Capricorn finances.
The fundamental aspect of a Capricorn daily money horoscope having your finances under control
Every aspect of your financial situation must be under control. When there are great deals on credit cards, you jump at the chance to finance something for zero interest. If you have some hefty balances that do charge interest, you look carefully for a way to transfer those debts.
But you know that a smart approach to Capricorn finances decrees buy today only what you can pay for today. Let other purchases wait until you have the money. Being debt free helps you sleep well at night.