Virgo Weekly Career Horoscope

Week beginning Monday 9th September

In the seven days since Pluto retrograded back out of your work sector last Monday, the urgency has dialled right back. Not only is Pluto gone, leaving your work sector empty and with a chance for things to play out before the planet of change and transformation returns in November, but Mars left your career sector three days later. It is the latter that has seen the pressure and the urgency drop back, though without losing any of the momentum and motivation gained. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion is not only still here, but until leaving in June 2025 his quest for professional growth and expansion will continue. However, slowing ahead of a retrograde turn and with Mars gone, there is no longer a need to have your foot on the gas 24/7. Instead, as Jupiter draws closer to a friendly aspect to Venus in your income sector that will peak over the weekend, it is becoming more about the money. This will see the element of luck and the laws of attraction come together just as the Moon's return to your work sector will start bringing all the threads together.

Daily  –  Monthly

More about your Virgo weekly career horoscope and prospects

With a Virgo weekly career horoscope, you set long-term and short term goals, for one thing leads to another. Break down each task into manageable components and gain more success is your motto. You’re absolutely right, and that’s why you can complete difficult jobs when others quit in the middle.

You’d like to stick to a schedule if you can, but life has a way of interceding. You consult your Virgo weekly career horoscope to learn in advance if you must alter your plans. Not every week proceeds as smoothly as you’d like, and as much as you resent stopping in the middle of any task, sometimes other things take precedence.

Collaborate effectively thanks to your Virgo weekly career horoscope

If you’re not a babysitter, you don’t want to babysit. Nothing irks you more than the laziness and inefficiency of colleagues. Often, you’d rather work alone, even if it’s harder on you, for ultimately, it’s more efficient. Sadly, that’s not always possible.

You must deal with other people, like everyone else, and even though you want to give advice and guidance, colleagues don’t always appreciate your well-meant efforts. You know this, but it’s very difficult to curb your urges to intervene. You’d like to avoid power struggles and quarrels, and so at those difficult times, you wisely remain silent, opting to let people make their own mistakes.

Your Virgo weekly career horoscope gives a boost to pet projects

When you work at a steady job, you attempt to stay busy, but there are occasional down periods. Most people use this time to their own advantage. That’s how they move forward into other careers or woo their sweethearts.

You feel that if you’re being paid, you should be working. So if things are slow, you speak up and offer to help a colleague. You get a jump on upcoming tasks. It’s better to be busy than watching a clock.