Soul Mates Reading

Soul Mates Reading shows you how to improve your relationship and achieve happiness together.


Soul Mates helps you recognize how you can improve your relationship. Find out how well you really get on together and your prospects for staying together. Enjoy yourselves much more as a couple. Know how well you suit each other and your genuine potential for happiness.

A Soul Mates Reading helps you identify the love you share

Soul Mates helps you feel confident about the way you instinctively behave.


In addition, the way you react towards one another. How you find success, self-assurance, and approval that comes from being positive about your strengths and weaknesses. Also, knowing realistically what you can achieve together as a couple.

Soul Mates Reading extract for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie – What went wrong?

Angelina_Jolie Soul Mates Reading

Born: June 4, 1975, 9:09 AM Los Angeles (CA) (USA)

Brad Pitt Soul Mates reading

Born: December 18, 1963, 6:31 AM Shawnee (OK) (USA)

Regeneration or destruction – ‘Close One’

Angelina’s Sun Square Brad’s Pluto

Angelina clashes with Brad

There’s probably a great intimacy between the two of you.


This is a problem, especially if this is a sexual relationship. In fact, the sexual dimension is the main area of conflict and power struggle. Consequently, where your relationship could come to grief. At first, the feeling of being ‘invaded’ and ‘taken over’ is sexually attractive, particularly when Brad is male.

Eventually, one, or both, of you (but most likely Angelina), would feel laid bare and robbed of your own will. Brad, on the other hand, is rather like a moth drawn to a flame. The intensity of such a pull could be interpreted by Angelina as being deliberately forceful – and it may be.

 More Soul Mates Reading for Brad and Angelina

In any event, this interaction demands that both of you attain a more conscious awareness.


That you understand the powerful effect that you can have on others generally. In addition, your effect on each other. It may come as a surprise to you to know that every human being has this power potential in them. However, it takes this kind of interaction to spell out exactly what kind of influence it can exert.  Consequently, this intense and powerful contact is all too often destructive in some way. Either partially, or of the whole relationship.

Basically, it’s manifesting the dangers of any negative course either of you has set out upon – probably quite unconsciously. Any underhand, or morally questionable motives on the part of either of you inevitably create to a point of crisis. Whether you survive such a crisis, there’s still a deep and lasting effect and lesson built into this relationship.

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