Cancer Monthly Money Horoscope

January 2025

As you move into 2025 there will be a lot of intensity on both sides of the financial fence, but by the end of the first week this will have dialled right back and especially in terms of any financial tension. Instead, there is a need to buckle up for a bit of turbulence as Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos spends his final days in your income sector clashed with Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion in your financial sector. As the planets of war and revolution go head to head, each are fighting to keep the focus on their side of the financial fence, but they are both flanked with the kind of support that can turn this into motivation. For Mars and the income side of the financial fence, this is coming from an empowered start to the year across the income, work and career fronts. Mars is part of a team that will get the year off to an empowered start and then disband, starting with his departure from your income sector on 6th January and then continuing with Mercury's departure from your work sector on 8th January and the North Node's from your career sector on 12th January. There are planets staying on that can keep the professional momentum going, but the urgency will drop back while by retrograding back out, Mars is able to put things on hold until returning in April, just as another professional surge is due. Meanwhile, having gotten your attention and with Mars gone, Pluto is going to change from being a tiger on the loose to being a kitten back in its cage. The planet of change and transformation is still here and will be until 2044 but playing a long game, he is not suited for the urgency at the start of the month, so will be happy to dial things back. With Venus, the planet of money leaving your financial sector on 3rd January and the Sun not returning until 20th January, this will allow the intensity at the start of the month to dial back. The Moon will make two visits to your financial sector this month, the first from 1st January to 4th January and then returning from 29th January to 31st January as a New Moon. A visit to your income sector from 14th January to 16th January could act as a trigger for some surprise leftovers from Mars' time here.

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More about your Cancer monthly money horoscope and finances

You must have enough money to feel secure, and that’s why you work so hard. You constantly envision your future and the success you intend to build. To you every period of time is the building block for the next one, and each leads to increased success.

You have expenses, and often you help family members who either are less well off or less motivated. Being a natural caregiver can be expensive, but you don’t mind. You like taking care of people you love, and that takes money. Thus, you need all the help you can get in charting your meteoric rise to wealth and success.

Your Cancer monthly money horoscope reveals financial ups and downs

You absolutely believe in saving for a rainy day, so you rarely blow through every cent you have. If hard times come, you rely on those savings to keep you secure. When your horoscope predicts a downturn, you are ready.

Flush periods are absolutely the best. You come into your own when you’re moving forward financially. You worry less and are more generous, not just with loved ones but with yourself. That special item you’ve wanted but put off buying can be your own now, as long as your Cancer monthly money horoscope assures you that more money is coming.

Manage your finances effectively with tips from your Cancer monthly money horoscope

You like to keep track of your fiscal situation so that you can pay for big ticket items when necessary as well as the usual recurring expenses. A long-term approach suits you. If you know there are months when your income typically increases, you schedule your payments accordingly.

You might need a new computer or kitchen appliance, but you don’t run out and buy it willy-nilly. You consider first when your finances are in the best shape. Then you think about when you can get the best deal. If those things don’t match, you might opt to wait a year so you can save until the next big sale comes. You’re smart that way.