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More about your Leo daily horoscope and personality
With your Leo personality, it’s quite true that to some folks you are larger than life.
Your natural theatricality inclines you to express yourself with grand gestures. Such flourishes, and overblown language is something you can’t help.
Anyone with a Leo personality naturally belongs on the stage, emoting for all the world to see.
Leo Actress Meghan Markle
Born Tuesday 4 August 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Los Angeles Films
With a Leo daily horoscope and personality, you want to be noticed
You do have a strong sense of recognition – you desire to be noticed. This extends to the point that being invisible would be the worst possible thing that could happen to you.
Your Leo personality gives you the gift of specialness. Because you know you’re special, you want everyone else to acknowledge this, no matter what you say or do.
A Leo personality always gives their all
Of course, that doesn’t mean that if you are lazy about something that you feel right accepting praise, particularly if the compliments are suspect. You want genuine praise, and that means giving life your all in every area.
Self-expression is essential to you, so you must find some sort of niche in which your Leo personality can radiate like the Sun.
Leo’s desire attention
Letting other people see you and learn what you’re all about is why you’re here. You want to do something wonderful, something that is the true expression of your Leo personality.
You have a vivacious nature and a grand way of enjoying life. As the Zodiac’s natural party giver, you love to surround yourself with a group of appreciative and affectionate friends.
Your Leo daily horoscope denotes how you love quality
Sharing anecdotes and the generosity of your home and table makes you feel happy. No matter what your station in life, your Leo personality demands that what you share is the best possible quality.
It’s not so much that you will sacrifice to make a splendid impression (yes you will) but that you’re determined to work hard so that you can have the degree of luxury in your life that feels imperative.
By Genevieve derivative work: CennoxX (DSC_3441) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons