Week beginning Monday 13th January
More about your Gemini weekly money horoscope and finances
If you imagine yourself winning the lottery, there are two scenarios which form in your mind. Either you’d quit working and follow your fancies, such as jet setting around the world. Or you’d continue working and spend more money on pleasure.
It all depends on how you see your current state of employment. Your ideal is to have a job you’d do for free. If your work involves sharing your ideas and communicating with interesting people, you’re content to do it. If you have freedom to come and go, so much the better. So for you, it’s not all about the money.
Your Gemini weekly money horoscope reveals when you can afford to spend
That doesn’t mean you don’t love money, for else how could you buy all the books, magazines, electronic toys, and computers you want? How could you get that tricked-out bike? Or sexy sports car? Yes, you value money, and there’s always something in the back of your mind that you’d like to buy. If you can justify the expenditure.
Sometimes it’s wise to hold back. You know this, but you don’t always follow your own best council. When you see in your Gemini weekly money horoscope that there could be a financial downturn, you realize that good sense must prevail, and that can save you from getting into fiscal hot water.
Your Gemini weekly money horoscope gives you confidence to live your life
If you’re a freelance person, you particularly appreciate financial guidance. Times are flush, and some are not so great. Those rich times are also busy times, so it would be nice to relax a bit between big waves of employment—and riches. It feels difficult to allow that when you don’t know what’s coming.
It’s natural to feel concerned about money, particularly in these uncertain times. Use your horoscope to give you a sense of balance that allows you to take a step back and consider all your choices before you part with your cash.