Week beginning Friday 17th January
Love wants to be a wild, sweaty, unapologetic dance. Dive in, make mistakes, and learn as you go. That's the real magic.
More about your Virgo weekly love horoscope and romance
With a Virgo weekly lov , you admit it. Your approach to life is get the chores out of the way, and then focus on romance. If there’s a sink full of dirty dishes or chaos at work, how are you supposed to feel amorous? Shockingly, some people pull it off.
Because you’re so orderly, you consult your Virgo weekly love horoscope for guidance. During a sizzling period, you vanquish those annoying chores in advance. You change the bedding and wash your hair. Once your life is shipshape, you focus on love.
Search for romance with help from your Virgo weekly love horoscope
If you’re unwillingly single, you make yourself available for romance, but the element of surprise frustrates you. You want a guarantee that you’ll connect with someone, once you put effort into entering the meet market.
Rely on your horoscope to know when to make those efforts. On days when Cupid is at the ready, seek love. Be more assertive. Post that online profile, or go out more. Take a class with people who share your interests. You might connect with new friends, and having more social avenues is another way to meet a lover.
Take hints from your Virgo weekly love horoscope
Not only might it be a great time for love, romance could come via specific ways. Perhaps you’ll meet by the seaside, or at work. As you learn where to place your focus, you find the right person more easily.
If you’re already in a relationship, make the most of it. Use beneficial energies to your advantage. Decide to give love your all right now, this moment, and do something sweet for your partner. Pamper each other. Release all your cares and focus only on romance. Giving and receiving love refuels you for all other areas of life.