Soul Profile Sample

Personal Soul ProfileComplimentary Reading

Congratulations on your decision to try a personal Soul Profile reading and discover more about your life’s true purpose and potential development over the course of your lifetime.

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Get Your full 12 Chapter Soul Profile & 12 Month Predictor Readings

Each Chapter in your full-length reading represents a different area of your life. Your Soul Profile lists them all, so you can determine what your best strengths are and give them the attention they deserve.

A personal 12-Month Predictor provides advance knowledge of all the incredible ongoing planetary activity. This valuable information will cause you to experience a shift in your understanding of the Planets that constantly affect your life.

Make sure to benefit from a full-length 100+ page personalized Soul Profile and 12-Month Predictor Reading that’s all about you!

Lyn Birkbeck

Soul Profile & Predictor written by Lyn Birkbeck

One of the UK’s leading astrology authors, Lyn Birkbeck has been a professional astrological consultant since 1979, Lyn is the author of eight books, including the best-selling Do-It-Yourself Astrology now in its third ‘incarnation’ as The Watkins Astrological Handbook.

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