Gemini Daily Money Horoscope

Monday 14th October View Sunday or Tuesday

It is just as Mars moves into his final three weeks in your income sector and as his fight for what you deserve is heating up that Mercury joins Venus, the planet of money as she moves into her final four days in your work sector. The Moon's return to your career sector a few minutes later completes a team that is going to get the new working week off to a powerful start across the income, work and career fronts.

Weekly  –  Monthly

More about your Gemini Daily money horoscope and finances

The key to a positive Gemini Money horoscope is knowing the difference between necessary and optional items. Providing basic needs, versus essential books, newspapers, and gadgets.

You may care little for the comforts of life. If you can have the newest tablet for reading everything, you’re content to do it on a second hand couch. You rarely yearn for spiffy new furniture. Your friends will visit even if your furniture does not match.

A Gemini thinks in a hard-headed way about finance

Being uncaring about status is good for Gemini finances because it means you can spend

less money. You adore the modern age, because you need fewer bookshelves. Your books are now cheaper, instantly available, and on your tablet.

Although you always feel and seem young, like us all, you too will grow old. This is where some hard-headed clear thought pays off regarding Gemini finances. You want to have necessary money at the ready so at some point in your life, you can work less. You may already want to work less, because you’d rather play more.

A Gemini daily money horoscope indicate finances need sound investments

So how do you manage this elusive goal of full-time entertainment? By saving money. You may also find the path to positive Gemini finances via savvy investments. If you can read and absorb financial advice books and columns, you could find the perfect approach to your own future. It’s a matter of whether you find them useful or deadly dull. Most Geminis tend not to do what they find dull.

There are alternatives to investing, and some require a creative approach to life. Perhaps you can find a roommate to share expenses. If you work from home, you need a less expensive wardrobe.

Consider marriage. Your Gemini finances could fall into perfect order thanks to a practical – or wealthy partner. It just depends how far you’re willing to go for the sake of money.