Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Friday 17th January View Thursday or Saturday

An alluring or even a sizzling attraction is intense, but don't dive in headfirst yet. Slow your roll and figure out if this person is worth the fireworks—or if they're just a dud with good packaging. Passion is thrilling, but heartbreak? Not so much. Hold back enough to keep things intriguing. Let someone prove they're worth your time.

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More about your Aquarius daily horoscope and personality

For someone who is cheerfully eccentric and quirky, it’s rather amusing that your Aquarius personality is also so stubborn.

You see life as a brave new world in the making. It is you who has the perfect recipe for success. That’s why you so determinedly give advice. When other people dispute your point of view you are inflexible. Yes, it’s pretty much your way or the highway.

A natural affinity for technology and inborn technological acumen are part of your Aquarius personality. If someone gave you a way to time travel, you’d always choose to go to the future. Never the past. You feel we’re all a blink away from tomorrow anyway, and that’s what’s truly important. An Aquarius personality is eccentric.

Aquarius Singer Harry Styles

Harry Styles Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Born February 1, 1994, 12:06 AM Redditch (United Kingdom). Listen

Your Aquarius daily horoscope and personality mean you just love gadgets

You feel happiest when one is in your hand. You’re a tinkerer. Every Aquarius personality is inclined that way. For you it’s fun to take your blender and combine it with your cell phone. Whip up your morning smoothie alld this while still deep under the covers.

Yours is also the sign of friendship. You gravitate toward other people. At all times need a sense of ongoing communication. You express your Aquarius personality via social media. In chat rooms, or on the phone. Liking to share ideas and learn about what’s happening right now. Your friends become as an extended family. The people you choose as companions are those with whom you share a true sense of simpatico.

With an Aquarius daily horoscope and personality your mind is lively and fascinating

Through sharing your Aquarius personality, you disseminate your ground-breaking ideas. Helping to move the planet forward toward a better future.

You also share laughs, jokes, giggles, and preposterously outrageous comments. As a result, t’s fun to be you, for you enjoy so much your Aquarius personality and all its quirks.

By Awwmyloueh (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons