Sagittarius 2019 Money Forecast

Sagittarius 2019 Money

Your Sagittarius 2019 Money Horoscope indicates in terms of the scale of focus that the money gods place on income and money matters each year, it ranges from the norm you can expect in any year, right through to game changing and extreme.

This year you have the game changing and extreme end of the scale on the income front and for the majority of the year the mundane on the financial front.

Sagittarius 2019 Money Horoscope – important income

We’ll start with your financial situation and money matters as a whole, for this is easier to explain and gives you a sense of scale. There have been no planets in your financial sector since Ceres left in September 2017 and there won’t be any until Venus returns from the 20th May to the 14th June. With Mercury returning on the 13th June and the Sun on the 21st June, this is the point in the year when your annual financial update takes place, with a chance to take care of any financial housekeeping.

With the Sun gone by the 23rd July, this is a short annual update. The only clue that something might be afoot, is that the New Moon here on the 13th July is a solar eclipse. This is the first sign that the lunar nodes are drawing close, with the North Node returning to your financial sector and the South Node to your income sector on the 7th November.

Sagittarius 2019 Money Horoscope – power-play

This brings the promise of more eclipses next year, but is also a sign that money matters might soon be holding their own, especially in 2019. However, the news and where the money gods have all their big guns positioned is in your income sector, bringing you to not just your most important income year in a decade or even decades, but your most important income years ever.

Yes, that is ‘years’ and not ‘year’, with Saturn’s return to your income sector in December 2017 kicking off the most powerful three income years you have ever or will ever see again. The power comes from the fact that Saturn has teamed up with Pluto, who has been here since 2008.

This is the first time that they have met up here in our lifetime and will not only remain together until December 2020, but at the end of next year will be joined in their final year by Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion.

Sagittarius 2019 Money Horoscope – year review

As powerful as this year is, this is just the first year in a powerful three-year period, with the third year likely to be the most potent. You begin the year, as you always do, with the Sun in your income sector until the 20th January. You also have Venus here until the 18th January and Mercury from the 11th January to the 1st February.

However, the real push will come when Mars moves through, first from the 18th March to the 16th May and then again from the 13th August to the 11th September. To have Mars here as well is giving these powerful income forces a vehicle.

Pluto is the planet of change and revolution and Saturn is the planet that gives you the power to move mountains if you have to. Together for the first time here in our lifetime, this creates the potential for enormous change and growth, not just this year but over the course of the next three years.