Taurus 2018 Money Forecast

Taurus 2018 Money

Your Taurus 2018 Money Horoscope indicates when Saturn left your financial sector on the 20th December 2017, he brought a three-year financial boot camp to a close. Whatever challenges you went through between December 2014 and December 2017, whatever you had to face, take ownership of or deal with, has given you the kind of financial savvy that you will benefit from for decades.

While Saturn doesn’t create challenges where there are none, he doesn’t let you avoid anything either. Saturn is all about learning and growth and as he was here for three years, if you didn’t learn from one financial lesson, he would wait patiently for the next one to come along, only to be hammered again.

Taurus 2018 Money –  loose ends

This makes the most defining factor of this financial year the fact that Saturn is gone. The toughest financial years in a 30-year period are behind you and he won’t be back for another 28 years. In the meantime, there are still some loose ends to tie up.

The Sun left two days behind Saturn and Venus three days later, leaving behind Mercury and his smart head for money to tie up loose ends, before he too leaves on the 11th January. However, this does not bring money matters to a close and instead, Mars’ return on the 27th January is a chance to benefit from everything you’ve learned over the last three years.

Taurus 2018 Money – fighting spirit

Mars will move through from the 27th January to the 18th March and on his own, will fire up your financial passions and fighting spirit and fight to gain all the advantages you have worked for over the last three years. These are the most powerful weeks of 2018 for taking your financial power back.

Yet it is the closing months of the year that something special will happen. For on the 9th November, just 13 days before the Sun’s return on the 22nd November, Jupiter will return to kick off your luckiest financial year in over a decade and a year full of potential for financial growth. Almost 11 months after Saturn’s three-year financial boot camp ended, your luckiest year for money matters in over a decade begins.

Taurus 2018 Money – lucrative weeks

You’ve put in the hard work in order to be ready to receive the gains. This makes the early and later months of the year the most important for money matters. There are no major developments on the income front this year so therefore no major demands.

However, there is a lucrative period that runs from the 25th April the 13th June that can be exploited. While this is only an annual update, for the first time in four years there are no planets in your financial sector at the time, so therefore no oppositions, no competition and no financial tension. With a clear path these have the potential to be the most lucrative weeks of 2018.