Virgo 2017 Love Forecast

Virgo 2017 LoveDuring this Virgo 2017 Love year on there is a sense of continuity on both romantic and relationship fronts. There are some new developments. The major players on both romantic and relationship fronts for several years now are still here. They still control things. and you know what you have to work with.

This appears to be a case of ‘better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. However, there is a danger in that you may expect the same conditions.

Although the players are the same, the conditions have changed, especially on the relationship front. Here you able to enjoy the benefits instead. You avoid what otherwise might have been a challenging few years.

Virgo 2017 Love – past influences

The past period of August 2015 to September 2016 was an enormous period of personal growth. During this time the pressure on your relationships, with personal and/or relationship tensions was never too far from the surface.

All this is now behind you. Although it has left you with a much better sense of what you want from your relationships. Also what they need from you.

Pluto in your romantic sector until 2024. Simultaneously, Neptune is in your relationship sector until 2026. On both of these two fronts you’re on journeys that have been underway for several years. Consequently, you continue for several more years and can make any year an important year on both fronts.

The Sun always begins and ends the year in your romantic sector. The focus is always going to be on money matters in the early weeks of any year and this year is no exception.

Venus has already left your romantic sector. Mars having moved through late last year, you know what you want from love and what you’re fighting for in 2017.

Virgo 2017 Love – powerful events unfold

After that it’s more about letting things play out. The Sun’s returns on the 22nd December to begin your next romantic update. This is when something major starts unfolding.

On the 20th December Saturn will return to your romantic sector for his first visit in three decades. In the process Saturn teams up with Pluto here for the first and only time in your lifetime.

They remain together for the next three years. The final 10 days of the year play host to your most powerful years. These are the most game changing romantic years in a lifetime.

At the start of the year there is no sign of this. However, there is a vague sense that something big lies over the horizon Once Mercury leaves your romantic sector on the 7th February the focus is going to be more on your relationships.

The Sun’ travels through your relationship sector from the 18th February to the 20th March. This always puts the spotlight on your relationships at this time every year.  It helps reveal that the challenges of last year and the years preceding that are over. This also reveals that some magical rebuilding taking place.

Virgo 2017 Love – annual review

There is something unusual about Venus’ return to your relationship sector on the 3rd January. This is how early she has returned and almost seven weeks ahead of the Sun and your annual relationship review.

Venus spends a month fuelling your relationship confidence, desires and expectations.  On the 3rd February she moves on, supposedly not to return until next year, for that’s normally the case.

Venus along with Mars – already here – and not leaving until the 28th January, they work together. They fire up a sense of what’s possible and of what you’re fighting for. This is long before the Sun returns on the 18th February.

The Sun is here until the 20th March.  Mercury moves through from the 25th February to the 13th March. This is when your annual relationship housekeeping takes place. However, it’s after they leave that the real magic transpires.

In a rare stroke of good fortune Venus retrogrades back. She returns into your relationship sector from the 3rd April to the 28th April. It is her double dip visit when all the magic happens.