Libra 2017 Money Forecast

Libra 2017 MoneyYour Libra 2017 Money Forecast begins cautiously with a financial influences a bit of a slow burn. Once it finally takes off this creates some great conditions on both the income and financial fronts. Fortunately, these events occur at different times of the year.

With your income and financial sectors opposing each other there is always the potential for financial tensions to rise. Especially, when they are active at the same time.

Fortunately, that is not the case this year, with the money gods focused entirely on financial and money matters. These events claim the first half of the year and income forces the second half.

A whole parade of planets moves through your financial sector, from the 5th February to the 5th July. These create a five-month period where the money gods provide every possible resource. They do this in order to get on top of financial and money matters.

Libra 2017 Money – important choices

You have a chance to get back into the process of redefining your financial needs and priorities.
This chance resumes on the 5th February. However, it’s Mars’ return to your financial sector on the 10th March that fires your financial passions and fighting spirit.

The hub of this five-month period is centred on your month long annual financial review. This review runs from the 19th April to the 20th May. However, there are lots of other factors that help create an auspicious first of the year for money matters.

One significant advantage is at buys you extra time is that Mercury makes two visits to your financial sector. This also gives you a smart head for money. Mercury’s is retrograde from the 9th April to the 20th April. This phase gives you a chance to go back to the drawing board.

However, during that 11-day period there is a need to carefully scrutinise your important financial choices, decisions and plans.

By midyear you have financial and money matters well in hand and you feel confident. However, there are major income developments in the second half of the year. Consequently, very little prepares you for how fast things are going to turn around, for the better.

Libra 2017 Money – unexpected

The Sun returns to your income sector on the 23rd October. This always throws the solar spotlight on your income situation, matters and options. Mercury returns on the 17th October and brings the smart head for money you need succeed. However, lucky Jupiter’s returns on the 10th October.
This sets off your luckiest and most potentially lucrative income year in over a decade. A year that starts with absolutely no warning and runs through to November 2018. There is no planetary activity in your career sector before Jupiter returns. Consequently, there is no lead time involved. Your luckiest income year in over a decade literally opens up in front of you.

Libra 2017 Money – annual review

You have to wait until the final three months, as this dominates the final months of 2017 and up to the final weeks of 2018. Remember once your luck alters circumstances develop in a game changing way. This is definitely something to bear in mind throughout your professional year.