Your Libra 2017 Love forecast begins the New Year with Venus in your romantic sector. This is always going to be a good way to start any year.
She leaves on the 3rd January and won’t be back again until 2018. The planet of love spends less than 72 hours influencing romantic matters. Venus spends so little time here, but makes sure that she gets your attention from the start.
The Sun does not return to throw the solar spotlight on matters of the heart until the 19th January. Influencing all things romantic, the Sun makes sure your heart has the first say.
Mars moved through in the later weeks of 2016. This helps you begin the year with your confidence, desires and expectations fulled.
Your romantic passions and fighting spirit are highlighted as well. This makes up for a lack of time and ensures the year begins with a lot of motivation.
Libra 2017 Love – fate at work
By the 25th February all the planetary activity in your romantic sector for the year is over. However, from May onwards favourable influences endure for much of the year. A Lunar Eclipse on the 7th August provides evidence that fate is also at play behind the scenes.
Although Venus spends less than 72 hours in your romantic sector, she’s makes up for that on the relationship front. Venus extends her normal 24 day visit to an incredible 96 days, but divides that between two visits.
Venus’ first visit runs from the 3rd February to the 3rd April, where she’ spends an incredible two months. This is time when she fuels your relationship confidence, desires and expectations. Venus here creates some real magic.
With your relationships likely to be under pressure during a year. As a result, there is the potential for a lot of personal growth and expansion. Venus’ time here goes a long way towards getting to the heart of what you want from your relationships. She also to balance these with your own needs.
Libra 2017 Love – annual review
Your annual relationship review is a chance to take care of any relationship housekeeping.
You get the communication lines open, running from the 13th March to the 19th April. Venus’ departure on the 3rd April will see her distance herself from more mundane relationship matters.
It’s Venus’ final month spent in retrograde motion that signals the more mundane tasks associated with an annual relationship review taking place. Venus holds the doors open to the past and second chances.
Once Venus returns from a double dip visit from the 28th April to the 6th June, the real magic happens. You have a clear sense of what you want from your relationships. Also, what they need from you well before time Venus returns.
This is a rare gift from the relationship gods. There is an opportunity for a second chance. You can start over having first had an opportunity to take care of any relationship housekeeping.
You get support throughout this whole relationship chapter. Your support coincides with Venus’ return on the 3rd January to her eventual departure on the 6th June. The support during this time is from the communication gods, it’s support that won’t waver.