Gemini 2017 Career Forecast

Gemini 2017 CareerTo begin your Gemini 2017 Career forecast, you settle for not having the pressures of recent years. Anything above and beyond that is a bonus. The professional gods decide it’s about time you got the professional year you deserve.

It is clear from the outset that things start to come together on the career front. The professional challenges and pressures of the past two years have eased back. However, they have made you who you are. You are ready now to seize the opportunities that open up.

To start with it is all about career matters and that isn’t surprising. What does take you by surprise is how huge the work opportunities are, when they eventually do open up

While you’ have to wait until October for work matters to actually open up. Career opportunities open up from the outset.

Gemini 2017 Career – dream start

For the first time in 15 years you’ move into the New Year with Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos in your career sector. This ensures your professional passions, fighting and competitive spirit are engaged from the beginning.

This gives your professional year the kind of impetus that there is no going back from. You create the kind of start you benefit from for the rest of the year.

Gemini 2017 Career – dream start

Not due to leave until the 28th January Mars gives your new professional year a dream start. Teaming up with dreamy Neptune, you breathe new life and confidence into any battered professional dreams

The Sun not returns to your career sector on the 19th February. This is nice and early in the year to get a head start. However, the real surprise is Venus’ return on the 3rd January, her earliest return in eight years!

Throughout January, Mars fuels your professional passions, fighting and competitive spirit. In the meantime, Venus fuels your professional confidence, desires and expectations. Both of these planets leave their sphere of influence by the time the Sun and Mercury return in February.

Ten, they begin the more strategic phase. You have plenty to work with by the time the focus shifts to the ‘when, where and how’.

Gemini 2017 Career – keep options open

A Solar Eclipse on the 26th February creates the potential for major new beginnings. Venus returns for a rare return visit from the 3rd April to the 28th April. This continues to keep your mind and your options open.

From the outset your professional year, after a great start, gains a momentum that’s easy to sustain. Nevertheless, it appears that 2017 has the potential to be a stunning professional year. In fact, it turns out to be just the opening act!

The real opportunities begin to open up when lucky Jupiter returns to your work sector on the 10th October. This is when Jupiter further boosts your biggest, luckiest year. The most expansive year for work growth and success in over a decade. A year that will take until November 2018 to run its course

While the professional gods offer stunning developments on the career front in the early months of the year. They also keep the momentum going for the rest of the year. They bring equally stunning developments on the work front in the later months of 2017. Career and work forces are set to make 2018 their playground as well.

Where 2015 and 2016 were challenging professional years, 2017 and 2018 are set to be stunning years, but the success that is now possible is a direct result of what you have already worked for and are the years that you deserve.